Research conducted by CDP (formally Carbon Disclosure Project) has found that major corporations are adopting carbon pricing at a faster pace than governments.
A report compiled by the International Energy Agency has outlined that the scope of energy efficiency goes ‘well beyond the simple scaling back of energy demand.’
A recent study has challenged the belief that sustainable buildings are more expensive to construct, finding that buildings constructed to BREEAM standards can incur little or no additional costs.
A recent study conducted by McKinsey has found that the number of CEOs labelling sustainability as their top priority has more than doubled over the last two years.
As a renewable technologies advisor, Concept Energy Solutions is excited to share its practical experience of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), now that the domestic version has launched.
The government has launched a new energy reduction scheme, which is designed to incentivise businesses, industry and other organisations to lower electricity demand in the UK.
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