Energy and Carbon Reporting

What We Do

We know every organisation is different, so we never take a “one size fits all” approach to energy and carbon reporting.

Our services are tailored to suit your needs. Whether it’s for regulatory carbon compliance, to compare performance against set targets, or for budget forecasting, we can help.

As well as working directly with end users, we work with FMs and engineering consultancies to provide high-quality, outsourced reporting support.
Our interactive reports can be sent to you directly or accessed via our client portal, for easy 24/7 access.

We understand that different stakeholders need different information – and we’ll work with you to produce reports that speak to your audience.

Concept is an Appointed Supplier to the Demand Management & Renewables DPS (RM6313) – managed by Crown Commercial Service. 

How we can help


We’ve been helping organisations make better energy decisions since 2008.


Want to know a little more?

Feel free to contact one of our knowledgeable team members who can advise on solutions and assign to you a consultant when the time is right.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    ESOS Action
    Plan Guide

    How to harness your Action Plan to improve energy management in your organisation.