Energy efficiency needed ‘to protect UK countryside’
Source: Energy Zine
A new report published by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) shows that a huge investment in energy efficiency is needed if the country is to meet its 2050 carbon reduction targets and reduce avoidable large infrastructure projects, such as nuclear power stations, wind turbines and solar farms, in rural areas.
The Warm and Green report is based on research carried out by Anglia Ruskin University and Cambridge Architectural Research and asserts that energy efficiency has been grossly underplayed in discussions and policy decisions around the UK’s future energy supply.
The report illustrates what a major programme of home energy improvements could mean alongside the potential impact of infrastructure on the countryside. It also highlights the shortage of funding for improvements in rural areas.
Warm and Green highlights that, in the context of likely future scenarios, an ambitious retrofitting programme could cut carbon emissions from homes by 44 per cent.