Energy Monitoring

Energy monitoring & targeting

We provide intelligent monitoring, reporting and analysis of energy performance. This means we can help you to run your sites at optimum energy efficiency – but without the burden of in-house management.

Our software allows you to view building status in real-time – with alarms triggered when consumption varies from target level usage. We’re experienced with all major monitoring and targeting packages – and will offer our industry-leading ASPECT software only where it is appropriate.

Our reporting services are tailored to suit your needs. That might be comparing weekly or monthly energy performance against set targets, budgets and dates. Or, you may need annual reporting for PFI contract reviews. Put simply, whatever your energy reporting requirements, we can help.

Concept is an Appointed Supplier to the Demand Management & Renewables DPS (RM6313) – managed by Crown Commercial Service. 

How we can help


Discover how we use intelligent analysis and reporting on energy trends to catalyse C02 efficiencies.


Want to know a little more?

Feel free to contact one of our knowledgeable team members who can advise on solutions and assign to you a consultant when the time is right.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    ESOS Action
    Plan Guide

    How to harness your Action Plan to improve energy management in your organisation.