Climate Change Agreement (CCA) Compliance

What We Do

Climate change agreements are voluntary agreements made between UK industry and the Environment Agency to reduce energy use and carbon emissions. In return, operators receive a discount on the Climate Change Levy (CCL), a tax added to electricity and fuel bills.

The current CCA scheme targets end on 31 December 2024, with reduced CCL rates available until 31 March 2027 for those who meet their obligations.

New six-year CCA scheme

A new CCA scheme will begin its first Target Period on 1 January 2026, with set targets extending through the end of 2030. 

There are opportunities for new entrants: a special application window is open from 1 May to 31 August 2025.

Existing participating facilities will not automatically be transferred to the new scheme – so it’s important to reconfirm eligibility.

Concept can help you determine your ongoing eligibility, as well as helping you with your obligations under the current scheme. We’ll correctly measure and track your energy consumption and carbon emissions. We’ll produce your end of target period report, and help you identify new energy efficiency opportunities, with a clear return on investment. 

How we can help


We’ve been helping organisations make better energy decisions since 2008.


Want to know a little more?

Feel free to contact one of our knowledgeable team members who can advise on solutions and assign to you a consultant when the time is right.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9