Patrick Dubouchet

Patrick has been with Concept Energy since 2008, almost since the beginning. He provides a comprehensive energy management service and is an expert in data analytics, working on advanced analytical techniques with accuracy and clarity as key considerations.

Patrick is our lead for enquiries concerning:

He is responsible for a number of significant client contracts such as BG Exploration (now part of Shell UK) and CarillionAmey on the MoD Estate, where he provides support with EU ETS reporting and verification for sites across the UK.

A Frenchman by birth, Patrick has lived in the UK since 1996. He has a B.Eng. in Energy and Environmental Engineering and an M.Sc. in Energy Systems and the Environment. He is an accredited CIBSE Low Carbon Consultant and is also qualified to undertake Independent Review of Metering Arrangements (IRMA) surveys on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units and biomass boiler installations in respect of Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) applications.

Prior to joining Concept Energy, Patrick worked for BP Gas and Power and Renewables as an Energy Engineer.

Patrick Dubouche, Senior Consultant

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    ESOS Action
    Plan Guide

    How to harness your Action Plan to improve energy management in your organisation.