Tag Archives: Funding

in Funding, Insight

Phase 5 of the Low Carbon Skills Fund launched

The government has made available up to £16 million of funding for the next phase of the Public Sector Low Carbon Skills Fund (LCSF) – to help organisations understand, prioritise and plan decarbonisation works across their estates. What can be funded? Delivered by Salix, the LCSF funds the cost of resourcing specialists (i.e. decarbonisation consultants) […]

in Funding

London Mayor’s £500m energy fund will cut carbon emissions

Hospitals, museums, offices, libraries, social housing and universities are amongst the public buildings and small businesses set to become more energy efficient thanks to a new £500 million-pound investment fund. A recent study from the Green Finance Taskforce revealed that many public-sector organisations and small businesses want to install energy-efficiency measures, but often can’t access […]

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    ESOS Action
    Plan Guide

    How to harness your Action Plan to improve energy management in your organisation.