Energy Bureau

Our Energy Bureau provides extensive energy data management services, with intelligent analysis and reporting on energy trends within your organisation.

Concept is an Appointed Supplier to the Demand Management & Renewables DPS (RM6313) – managed by Crown Commercial Service. 

Our extensive energy data management services with intelligent trends analysis and reporting, ensure your sites always run at optimum energy efficiency – removing the hassle of onerous in-house monitoring.

Detailed performance monitoring of a site’s assets, together with intelligent analysis and reporting on maintenance issues ensure sites operate efficiently and with a low maintenance burden.

Our Energy Bureau team manage the whole process of receiving, validating and reporting on utility invoices. We take the burden off in-house finance teams and ensure you only ever pay the correct amount for the energy and water you use.

With access to the very latest market information from a range of sources, across all utilities, our Energy Bureau team can provide reports tailored to your requirements.

We help finance departments with forecasting for future energy costs. We build a deep understanding of your historical and future consumption, and combine this with market intelligence on energy prices.

Utility management in large property portfolios can be a headache, especially when properties are acquired or disposed. We’ll take care of the process from start to finish.

We have many years’ experience supporting FM companies and SPVs with their PFI contracts, including performance reporting, annual reconciliations and target setting.

We know every organisation is different, so we never take a “one size fits all” approach to energy and carbon reporting. Our services are tailored to suit your needs. 


Discover how we use intelligent analysis and reporting on energy trends to catalyse C02 efficiencies.


Want to know a little more?

Feel free to contact one our knowledgeable team members who can advise on solutions and assigned you to a consultant when the time is right.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    ESOS Action
    Plan Guide

    How to harness your Action Plan to improve energy management in your organisation.